Every single day is the same, without exception. You dress, greet your wife, eat breakfast, suffer through traffic and work, and then go home. Every day you wake up as a common corporate worker. EDTSD is the existentialist version of a video game. If you have Google Chrome, Angry Birds installs right there in your browser. If you don’t have a smartphone or want to get your feet wet before buying Angry Birds on iPhone, this is a good way to try it out. The concept is bizarre, but as the levels progress the game becomes more and more fun.

It’s an oddly addictive physics puzzler about launching birds at poorly built structures and knocking them down. By now probably everyone has heard of the mobile phenomenon that is Angry Birds. I shouldn’t even have to explain this one.

Not that they’re bad, they’re just not too demanding in graphics, one of the biggest hurdles to running any game. If your computer can’t handle these freeware games, you may be in serious trouble. These games are the absolute bare minimum in system requirements. They’re divided by the relative amount of computing horsepower necessary to run them. Some of them require some major downloads, but most will run on even an average computer. These games aren’t just crappy browser games, these are some truly fun titles that can stand proudly next to commercial games. Luckily for you, we put together this list of some of the best PC games that you can enjoy for the enormous financial burden of zero dollars. So what’s a discerning yet cheap gamer to do? Then again, you don’t want to play one of the countless terrible Flash games that litter the internet and clog out the good ones. But anyway, you just want to play a good computer game that isn’t Solitaire and you really don’t have the cash to shell out for a brand new game off of Steam. It’s OK, we’ve all been there… some more than others.

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